Wednesday, March 11, 2009

He's on the computer already...???

Hello All!!!! How is everyone doing out there? Great I hope. I am doing fabulously. I especially enjoyed the videos this week. My favorite was the "Do You Know" video because alot of the information given there I did not know. Actually the best part was the data, I love math and numbers are my absolute favorite. Anywho --- I found it very interesting that children who had never read or picked up a book would be given laptops. But then again with the wealth of information on the internet today, I guess they'll just use the computers to learn to read, write and anything else. Also I agree that it is necessary for our youth today to understand and be able to use this continuously growing tool to be able to compete with our neighboring nations in the unknown job markets that have not yet been established. VERY SCARY!!! How is it that our kids are being taught information that the world has not yet categorized so to speak. When will they use this wealth of knowledge, everyday. In what jobs, all of them, so do we really need to know what it is that we don't know for them to learn. I don't think so. (Did I confuse you because I confused myself a little).

I can agree with the video and I can also relate to the videos.... I have a 3 year old son who is computer literate. He is not expert but he's getting there. At this point in his development, he has not yet mastered the initial login, but after I have loaded up his favorite site, "NOGGIN" (for those of you who don't know, Noggin is the pre-school Nickelodeon) he completely takes over and does not need any help (or so he says). I demonstrated the basics to him, how to move his finger over the mouse area so that the arrow lands on what it is he needs to click. After the first couple of times, he no longer needed me. It scares me because at 3 he is becoming self-reliant but it also makes me very proud to know that my 3 year old is making steps to be better than me. From these experiences, I also know that if he continues on he will become a very productive, competitve member of our society. And make his mother very proud.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, I liked the "Do you Know?" video very much and I was also fascinated by the statement that we are preparing students for jobs that are not created yet! Your insight on other nations using computers and other methods of technology that will make them more competitive is right on point.
    How lucky you are to have a son who is mastering technology at such a young age, and how lucky is he to have a mom like you! keep up the wonderful blogging! I enjoyed reading this blog.
