Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I played on the sites for hours!!!

I had such a great time playing on the kids learning websites posted to this weeks module. Starfall is my absolute favorite. My son and I played together last night. He enjoyed the ABC section of the site. It relates to what he is doing in school right now - learning his alphabet. Actually, one of my sixth grade special ed students wanted to go on that site today. She said that her mom only allows her to go on educational sites when she is home and they found that one together last year and love it. I think I had more fun than my son, but I didn't hog the keyboard (that much). I think these sites are excellent learning tools for some. I definitely would not allow my 8th graders to play on Starfall only because I feel that the websites that they use should be more rigorous and also relate to what they are doing in their lessons, sort of reinforcing what they learned for the day or week.


  1. So true! It is very easy to get so hooked on all the fun websites provided for us! It is especially nice when we can share them with others to enjoy. It also helps us become familiar with using different sites for the future.

    Great post!

  2. Yes is a website that children do love getting on. The children has so much fun on the site that sometimes I believe that they forget that they are actually learning in the process.
